Tomo's Palace of Blue
>>> Tomo Fan Site Organization


>>> Things not to say to Tomo aka Ways to Have Tomo Kill You
>>> We knew she liked Tomo too much when...
>>> Tomo Fan Site Organization
>>> List of Reasons Why I Like Tomo
>>> Tomo Buddy Icons For AIM
>>> Tomo Wallpaper
>>> How To Marry Tomo
>>> Tomo Mailing Lists
>>> Tomo Gallery Six
>>> Tomo Gallery Five
>>> Tomo Gallery Four
>>> Tomo Gallery Three
>>> Tomo Gallery Two
>>> Tomo Gallery One
>>> Tomo Sounds
>>> Tomo Music
>>> Tomo Trivia
>>> Contact Me
>>> My Fan Fic
>>> Tomo Info
>>> Humor
>>> Video
>>> Links

Tomo Fan site Organization

Ah...those golden eyes...

Okay,here are the rules.
1. You must love Tomo. I am yet to understand how one can NOT love Tomo, but these od freaks seem to be able to do it.
2. You must have a site with that picture linked back to this site.
3. You must e-mail me telling me you wanna join so I may put your info below.
4. There must be no 'I-like-Miakaness' about your site. I do not like Miaka and wish not to have my site in any way associated with her. If you bash Miaka on your my guest.
Form to fill out and e-mail to me:
E-mail address:
AIM SN (if you have one):
Site Name:
Site URL:
Site description:

Members: None as of yet